Smart Cities Are Going Green Because It Costs Less
In the 10 years that Wendy Arriz has been a real estate agent in New York City, she’s seen some of the best, selling ultraluxe new-construction homes, as well as lower-priced properties. But she’s also seen some of the not-so-best work out there.
Autodesk Spent $1.15 Billion On Two Construction Startups
In the 10 years that Wendy Arriz has been a real estate agent in New York City, she’s seen some of the best, selling ultraluxe new-construction homes, as well as lower-priced properties. But she’s also seen some of the not-so-best work out there.
Five Important Practices For Construction Entrepreneurs
In the 10 years that Wendy Arriz has been a real estate agent in New York City, she’s seen some of the best, selling ultraluxe new-construction homes, as well as lower-priced properties. But she’s also seen some of the not-so-best work out there.
Make Running a Part of Your Life
Running improves your cardiovascular strength, lowers bad cholesterol and speeds up your metabolism. Not to mention the immense positive feelings and self-esteem that is part of every successful run. It’s obviously no surprise why running is such an immensely popular exercise.
Take Breaks to Improve Your Productivity
Every self-help program talks about the importance of taking a 10-15 minute break to boost your productivity. Breaks give us much needed time to rest our eyes, move around, stretch our stiff muscles, get more blood and oxygen flowing to our brain, to unwind and obtain a fresh outlook on complex work problems.
Start Writing a Journal
An ideal time to write, comfortable digs, a great pen, and endless sheets of fabulous paper can make journaling more enjoyable. But if you think you can’t start journaling right this minute because you lack the right tools, you’re totally kidding yourself.
Try Living a Simple Life
Many people want a simple life away from all the chaos that seems self-inflicted. The first step to embracing this new form of lifestyle is to understand what simplicity means to you and then live by that definition. Here are some suggestions on how to live a simple life.
Making the Most of Your Commute
Curabitur laoreet sed lorem id pulvinar. Sed nec nisi velit. Proin ut eleifend metus. Donec elementum massa turpis. Nulla facilisi. Etiam sit amet lacinia augue. Praesent malesuada tellus in nunc dapibus suscipit. Cras non turpis ipsum. Fusce non viverra arcu. Suspendisse vel laoreet velit.
Phasellus imperdiet tincidunt interdum. Nunc imperdiet nulla quis ultrices rhoncus. Nulla condimentum a mauris in blandit. Morbi ornare odio felis, sed ullamcorper enim dictum eu. Donec aliquet lacus augue, ac rutrum dolor aliquet et. Phasellus in finibus orci, vel feugiat tellus. Nunc sed quam vel lorem tincidunt aliquam.
Vestibulum imperdiet augue vel lectus suscipit feugiat. Vestibulum a justo et ante mollis suscipit sit amet a nulla. Nam facilisis odio a elit vulputate egestas. Ut sit amet dictum enim, quis pharetra libero. Donec metus enim, bibendum in diam ornare, porttitor cursus ipsum. Vivamus non sapien pulvinar, malesuada mauris ut, efficitur felis. Aliquam hendrerit vestibulum blandit. Morbi faucibus eget ipsum vitae maximus. Etiam posuere et velit ac facilisis. Phasellus tempor, enim tempus convallis pellentesque, erat quam sodales magna, id eleifend ligula tellus sed libero.
Donec metus enim, bibendum in diam ornare, porttitor cursus ipsum. Vivamus non sapien pulvinar, malesuada mauris ut, efficitur felis. Aliquam hendrerit vestibulum blandit. Morbi faucibus eget ipsum vitae maximus. Etiam posuere et velit ac facilisis. Phasellus tempor, enim tempus convallis pellentesque, erat quam sodales magna, id eleifend ligula tellus sed libero. Phasellus in finibus orci, vel feugiat tellus. Nunc sed quam vel lorem tincidunt aliquam.